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#1 Geschrieben : Montag, 23. Juli 2018 01:50:38(UTC)

Rang: Newbie

Gruppe: Registered
Mitglied seit: 23.07.2018(UTC)
Beiträge: 1

MOZO Token, expected marketcap US$450 million?

WOW, potential project with many large and small companies compete for the tokens. Already, 38,000 stores committed to use Mozo tokens in an ecosystem that MOZO can bring higher service quality and user experience with break through technologies:
Sensors with high accuracy 1m 1s
APPs for Mall and Retailer, as well as for Shopper
Blockchain based technology to ensure trusted transactions in the ecosystem

With such break through technologies, MOZO is the biggest hope for all malls and retailers to re-capture market share lost to online stores. In the first year, 38,000 stores, and in the next 3 years 300,000 stores in Asia/pacific region.

Their mission is very clear and endorsed by big names, including Versace which is a famous fashion brand in the World. Mozo is working on other big brands, we may not know. Because Mozo has shown its great strength from the fact that they had listing acceptance from coin exchange even before crowdsale.

Now is time to make project. Support me here: https://ico.mozocoin.io/buy-token/5326d5

More information about Mozo is as follows:
Website: https://mozocoin.io
Telegram: https://t.me/mozotoken
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MozoToken
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com...-Token-2039854656295415/
Medium: https://medium.com/@mozotoken
BitcoinTalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/...opic=4169993.msg38256433
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/...UC8TfvRCXgYXVwoIIUDQp1sQ
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